Beginner’s Guide to Wyoming Medicaid
Medicaid is both a state and federally funded program providing healthcare benefits to low-income families and individuals. Each state has the freedom to add benefits, adjust costs, and determine eligibility requirements. This guide can help you figure out if you qualify for medical assistance in the state of Wyoming.
Click below to learn more about Wyoming Medicaid:
- What Does Wyoming Medicare Cover?
- What Does Wyoming Medicare Cost?
- Finding Wyoming Medicaid Providers
- Wyoming Medicaid Eligibility
- Wyoming Medicaid Application
- How to get both Medicare and Medicaid in Wyoming

What Does Wyoming Medicaid Cover?
Wyoming Medicaid covered services include but are not limited to:
- Ambulance services
- Outpatient surgery in free-standing facilities
- Children’s mental health
- Chiropractic services
- Comprehensive dental for those under 21
- Limited dental (emergency and preventative only) for adults
- Developmental disability support
- Dietician services
- Durable medical equipment
- Dialysis for ESRD
- Family planning
- Health Check exams (well-child screening, diagnostics, and treatment)
- Hearing services
- Home health services
- Hospice
- Hospital services
- Intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled
- Interpreters when necessary
- Labs and X-rays
- Mental health and substance abuse services
- Nursing facilities when necessary
- Organ transplants
- Occupational, physical, and speech therapy
- Prescription drugs
- Prosthetics and orthotics
- Surgeries
- Non-emergency medical transportation
- Vision services
*There may be limitations to the covered services
Wyoming Medicaid does NOT cover any services performed by a provider who is not contracted with Medicaid or any services that are not deemed medically necessary. It also does not cover:
- Abortions
- Canceled/missed appointment fees
- Chronic pain rehabilitation
- Community mental health services
- Cosmetic procedures
- Educational supplies/equipment
- Exams not related to medical care
- Experimental procedures
- Gender reassignment surgery
- Glasses and contact lenses for adults (over 21)
- Infertility services
- Personal comfort items
- Podiatry services
- Private duty nursing services
- More than 12 adult doctor or non-emergency hospital visits
- More than 20 adult occupational therapy visits
- More than 20 adult speech therapy visits
- More than 20 adult physical therapy visits
*This list is subject to change. Confirm with the state or with your doctor before receiving treatment if you aren’t sure.
Health Check Exams
“Health Check” exams are Wyoming Medicaid wellness exams for kids (under 21). The health check exams include:
- Complete physical exams
- Any immunizations
- Lab tests
- Lead screenings
- Growth and development checks
- Nutrition checks
- Eye exams
- Mental health screenings
- Dental screenings
- Hearing screenings
- Health education
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Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Transportation reimbursement may be available for travel to medical appointments. To be eligible, the appointment must be for a Medicaid-covered service and you must be able to prove that you could not get to the appointment without assistance. You can call Wyoming Medicaid travel services at 1-800-595-0011.
Wyoming’s “My 307 Wellness”
My 307 Wellness is an app by the Wyoming Department of Health. The app can connect you with programs like the Wyoming Quit Tobacco Program, WIC, Wyoming Cancer Resource Services, and WY Quality counts.
The app can also help you track your and your family’s medical appointments, medical history, and other important information. You can add everyone from yourself and your children to your grandparents and other loved ones. There’s even a growth tracker and an immunization tracker which is a great way to make sure your kids are up-to-date on their recommended shots.
New mothers will appreciate the diaper and feeding trackers, and expecting mothers will love the due date calculator, kick counter, and daily tips.
Plus, if you ever feel like you go to the doctor and don’t know what to say, there are family checklists available where you can take notes and remember what you want to ask the doctor.
My 307 Wellness is free – you can download it even if you are not yet enrolled in Medicaid!
What Does Wyoming Medicaid Cost?
Some people who are eligible for Medicaid in Wyoming can get Medicaid services for $0. The exceptions are:
- Adults (over 21) who are not pregnant may owe copayments for some services
- Disabled and employed members may owe a small monthly premium
- Long-term care facility residents may owe some financial contribution
- Assisted living facility residents will have to pay for their own room and board

Finding Wyoming Medicaid Providers
You can find a Wyoming Medicaid provider near you by using this Wyoming Medicaid doctor finder tool. There are about 9,000 providers accepting Medicaid (physicians, dentists, hospitals, pharmacies, nursing homes, etc.).
Not all providers may be accepting new patients, and it is possible for a provider to stop accepting Medicaid at any time. Be sure to ask about Medicaid when you call to schedule your appointment to make sure that you will be covered.

Wyoming Medicaid Eligibility
To be eligible for Medicaid in Wyoming, you must be a legal U.S. resident or legal alien residing in Wyoming. Additionally, your income must fall at or below the following limits, according to your family size and category per the chart below:

Wyoming Medicaid Application
You can complete the Wyoming Medicaid application either by visiting the office or mailing it to the office below:
WDH – Customer Service Center
2232 Dell Range Blvd., Ste 300
Cheyenne, WY 82009
You can also fax your application to 1-855-329-5205, or apply by phone at 1-855-294-2127 (TTY 1-855-329-5204).
Alternatively, you can complete your application online, here.
It may take up to 45 days for you to receive a response.
How to get Both Medicare and Medicaid in Wyoming
If you are eligible for both programs, you can benefit from both Medicare and Medicaid at the same time. Enrollment in both programs can mean more benefits, a more extensive network, and more cost savings. Plus, most people who meet the eligibility requirements for both programs can enroll in a DSNP, a Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan. DSNPs come at very low and sometimes no cost to the consumer and will cover all or most of your healthcare needs.
You can qualify for Medicare by:
- Turning 65
- Getting diagnosed with ALS
- Getting diagnosed with ESRD
- Entering your 25th month of SSDI
For help selecting a DSNP plan, call us directly at 833-567-3163 or send us a message with your questions.